Bus Trips
Per ISMRC tradition, one of the conference days will be reserved for bus trips to fascinating sights in the region. We have planned 3 bus trips in total, all of which combine a religious site with a spot representative of the coalmining history of the region. Since all bus trips will be great fun, there is no need to pick a favourite, however, if you do have a specific preference, feel free to let us know at ceres-event@rub.de.
Trip A: Münster and Halde Hoheward
We take the bus to the city of Münster, roughly one hour north of Bochum, enjoy the beautiful old town and learn more about the religious history of Münster, which culminates in the “Münster rebellion” of the 16th century, in which radical Anabaptists conquered the city and set up a revolutionary government. On our way back to Bochum, we will make a stop at Halde Hoheward, which is one of the many artificial mountains to be found in the Ruhr area. These so-called “Halden” were originally created from waste rock taken out of the coalmines, but later transformed into recreational and cultural areas.

Trip B: Düsseldorf and Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord
The city of Düsseldorf is located roughly one hour south of Bochum and is the State capital of North-Rhine Westphalia. The city is a fascinating mix of old and new and is home to the largest Japanese community in Europe. The trip to Düsseldorf is expected to feature a visit to the Buddhist temple. You also have the opportunity to explore the old town, go shopping on the famous Königsallee or go for a walk along the Rhine river. After our visit there, we will head back to Duisburg, a city shaped by its port, which is the largest inland port in all of Europe. At Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, the industrial heritage of the city can be experienced within a unique recreational and cultural setting. See here for some impressions: www.landschaftspark.de/en/

Trip C: Zeche Zollverein and Essen Cathedral
Bochums neighbouring city of Essen was one of the hot spots of the industrial age in Germany. Its Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex (“Zeche Zollverein” in German) is one of the largest and most impressive places to discover industrial history and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. See here for more information: www.zollverein.de
After having learned more about coalmining history, we will head to downtown Essen and visit the Cathedral. This cathedral is particularly renowned for its treasury, which features one of the most significant collections of religious artworks in Germany.